Treatment for gambling addiction
Most experts say that the most difficult thing is to face the fact that you have a gambling problem; it can be difficult to admit to a problem.
Once you have admitted that you need help to stop gambling, there are several possible courses of action. The first thing you should do is to talk to somebody about your gambling addiction. Most people find it beneficial to confide in loved ones or close friends, but if you would rather talk to somebody you don’t know very well you could arrange to see your GP or contact a gambling charity, such as GamCare or Gamblers Anonymous. They will be able to offer impartial advice and you will not be required to give your name or any personal details.
Treatment available
Possible treatments for gambling addiction include psychological therapies and group support. Psychological therapies include counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy, which will help to identify the causes of the addiction and find new ways of dealing with those problems. Group sessions are often very successful because they enable people with gambling problems to talk to others in a similar situation. Research shows that people who attend support groups are more likely to succeed in giving up because they have the support of others. Group support sessions are run by Gamblers Anonymous and work on the same principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.
There are also some self-help techniques which can help you to stop gambling. These include giving credit cards and bank cards to loved ones to look after, closing betting accounts, removing yourself from situations when you may be tempted to gamble and cutting ties with people who you normally gamble with.